Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual


d01anc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, finite interval, sine or cosine weight functions
d01apc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, weight function with end-point singularities of algebraic-logarithmic type
d01aqc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, weight function 1/(x-c), Cauchy principal value
d01asc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, semi-infinite interval, sine or cosine weight function
d01snc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, finite interval, sine or cosine weight functions, thread-safe
d01spc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, weight function with end-point singularities of algebraic-logarithmic type, thread-safe
d01sqc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, weight function 1/(x-c), Cauchy principal value, thread-safe
d01ssc   One-dimensional adaptive quadrature, semi-infinite interval, sine or cosine weight function, thread-safe
g02hkc   Robust estimation of a correlation matrix, Huber's weight function
g02hlc   Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function plus derivatives
g02hmc   Calculates a robust estimation of a correlation matrix, user-supplied weight function
g07dbc   Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, standard weight functions
g07dcc   Robust estimation, M-estimates for location and scale parameters, user-defined weight functions

Keywords in Context Index
NAG C Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2002